The Detective Conan anime has scheduled the rest of October. Episodes 916 and 917, the “Kendo Tournament of Love and Mystery” case, had previously been scheduled for the 6th and 13th. These episodes are based on chapters 990-993 from the manga.
Episode 918 is now slated to air on the 20th. Mysteriously, no title has been given for this episode. There is a good chance this will turn out to be some form of special event. However, it will have to be an anime original, because there are no unadapted manga cases that could possibly go there under the circumstances. Regardless, it's nice to know that it won't just be another break or remaster.
919 follows a more typical pattern. The episode, scheduled for the 27th, is to be titled “The Great Police Car Chase” and will be another anime-original filler.
As a reminder, the “Crimson School Trip” case has been announced for January of 2019.